b Cheri LeBlanc, MD: September 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007

Walking in and Rolling out

This past Saturday we were in Donaldsonville serving the medical and dental needs of the community with Ele and Mo, our mobile medical and dental units. The week before we were in St. Francisville and someone in that community donated a rolling walker to us for use in the ministry. We first thought to send it to storage and wait for a need. However, we left the walker in Ele accidentally, but it was no accident with God.

One of our patients came in using a walking cane and commented on how limited he was at getting around because he didn't have anything to sit on when he got tired. He would have to walk to the grocery store, so he didn't make these trips very often and stayed in his home or very close to it. Well, Dr. Cheri, in hearing this news knew in her heart that the rolling walker with built in resting seat was the perfect match for Mr. Mouton.

As you can see from the photos, we blessed him with this shiny, brand new rolling walker. And, his slow almost limp-like walk into the clinic turned into a strut and full-of-life walk out of the clinic. Mr. Mouton was smiling ear to ear and all those around him were looking at him like he was showing off a brand new car. As I watched him walk away full of hope and joy and everyone looking on, I remembered the words of Christ in Matthew 5:16...let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. To God be the Glory for all that is done in this ministry for it is truly His and we are honored and humbled to be a part of what God is doing through Healing Hands.

Because He Lives,
Joseph LeBlanc

Friday, September 07, 2007


You just never know how God is going to you use your service, your love, or your heart. This past weekend we had the honor of reaching out to the community of St. Francisville with both the medical and dental units. The dental unit was parked outside in front of the Healing Place Church office, and, for those who have not seen the dental unit, well, let’s just say you can’t miss it. The dental unit was graciously donated in full by the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries. And, on both sides of the dental unit we give a shout out to Joyce Meyer Ministries for their support.

A lady from the community was driving by and saw the dental unit with Joyce Meyer’s name on the side. She stopped in to see if Joyce Meyer was present. One of our volunteers told her no and then told her what we were doing in offering free medical and dental care to the poor without insurance. Our volunteer also told her that we pray with each and every patient. The lady looked amazed and said well, “I really don’t have a medical or dental need but I could surely use some prayer.” You guessed it, she was in with a prayer partner and the love of God touched her heart and she was on her way. All because of a name on the side of a dental unit, a lady was prayed for, in the name of Jesus! Thank you Joyce Meyer and partners for partnering with us in the work we are doing to be a healing place for a hurting world.

Because He Lives,

Joseph and Cheri LeBlanc